Megjelent Farkas Attila tudományos munkatárs „Destiny of the Philosophy of Economics" című tanulmánya

2016. december. 10.

A tanulmány az Ildikó Rudnák (ed.): Economy – Multiculturality – Communication, Szent István Egyetemi Kiadó, Gödöllő, 2016 kötetben található.

In the study I delineate the definition of philosophy of economics and its historical periods, and I came to the conclusion that the interest in philosophy of economics declines in the modern times, but intensifies during economic depressions. This process fits in the evolution of modern sciences that means the secession, independence and institutionalization of certain disciplines. At the same time it connects to another process, during which the economic subsystem got hold of a hegemon role within the society. I demonstrate this tendency with the example of John Maynard Keynes; first I summarize the most important parts of his philosophy of economics, then I demonstrate the historical destiny of the Keynesian theory to go into the Hungarian details too.

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