Andor Wesselényi-Garay

Andor Wesselényi-Garay

dr. habil. Andor Wesselényi-Garay PhD was born in 1969 in Szeged. He graduated from St. Stephen's High School in Budapest in 1987. He began his higher education in 1988 at the Faculty of Architecture of the Budapest University of Technology. In 1994, he received his Diploma in Architecture with an excellent qualification. His diploma project won the third place in the Diploma Award Competition of the Hungarian Association of Architects. In 1995, he founded his own architectural firm with Gábor Osváth under the name GYÁR. The activities of the workshop covered the full spectrum of the professional practice of architectural design. For this reason, architecture, interior design, urban planning and design were given equal weight in the portfolio. From 2001, he founded an independent office called W-G-A PSYCHODESIGN and his interest turned to the theories of architecture. Between 2000 and 2009, he was an external associate and member of the advisory board of Alaprajz magazin. He has been Chief Architect of Atrium magazine since 2002 and Editor-in-Chief from 2006 to 2009. He has been a member of the advisory board of Metszet magazin since 2009. He obtained his doctoral degree in 2008 from the Faculty of Wood Engineering of the University of West Hungary with a summa cum laude qualification. He wrote his dissertation on the topic of architectural mimesis. He was habilitated in 2012 at the University of Pécs, in Mihály Pollack Faculty of Engineering, at the Marcell Breuer Doctoral School.
In 2014, - next to István Ferencz as supervisor - Péter Borbás, his doctoral student, obtained a DLA degree at MOME. He is the author of nearly three hundred articles, essays, critiques and studies on architecture, which have appeared in the magazin named Atrium, Alaprajz, old-new Hungarian Architecture and Engraving and Metszet. The number of his references exceeds ninety. In 2009, he held an exhibition at MODEM called „The model of the whole”. In 2010, he curated the installation planned for the Hungarian Pavilion at the 12th International Architecture Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia - with Marcel Ferencz. The installation was finalized in 2011 at the Design Award founded by Between 2008 and 2011 he was an associate professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Debrecen, and from 2011 to 2017 at the Institute of Applied Arts in Sopron, and from 2018 at the Metropolitan University. Since 2013, he has been a lecturer in Hungarian and foreign language courses at Hungarian University of Fine Arts in the fields of contemporary and 20th century architecture. In 2012, a book co-written with Sándor Bazsányi in the care of Kalligram was published entitled Double Plastering. The essays in this publication examine the relationship between architecture and literature.

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